3 ways to be with Spirit this Christmas🎄

Christmas Spirit

Goodness it is that time of the year again, where once again Christmas is looming just around the corner. During the lead up to Christmas we may be experiencing many mixed emotions; we may be hoping for that "perfect" Christmas (hallmark Christmas anyone?) but when that perfect Christmas isn't possible we start to get very anxious, stressed and saddened.

We get caught up with choosing the right presents, checking our social media feeds to see what everyone is doing, believe that everyone else is having the perfect christmas.  We may be feeling like a Christmas orphan; due to estrangement from family or feeling the loss of our passed loved ones.

Whatever the case, it is so important right now to slow down and really tune into the Christmas Spirit. So here are my three tips to bring "Spirit" back into Christmas.

  1.  Create an alter that includes special memories or mementos of your passed loved one and light a special candle in their memory.

  2. Have your "family" (biological or friends that are  family), members bring a written memory of your loved one to place in a jar before Christmas lunch or dinner and then read each memory out after lunch. 

  3. Start your day with a prayer to your loved ones, asking them to be with you and to send you strength, love and healing. 

Then, let go of all expectations and just stay in the now moment.  Empower yourself, do Christmas YOUR way.  Start new traditions and enjoy the perfectly, imperfect day.

I will be taking a well earned break from December 23rd till January 8th.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all for your love, support and sense of community and I look forward to serving again in the new year. 

Merry Christmas and a happy new year filled with blessings, love and gratitude.

Brightest blessings,

Ioanna xx