Welcome 2024 | Capricorn New Moon

Welcome 2024!

Happy new year beautiful souls!

Trusting that you were all able to have some down time over the Christmas | New Year break.

I'm writing to you today on the cusp of the first new moon for the year rising in the sign of capricorn and this moon is all about making plans and taking action.

The first new moon of the year is important because it sets the tone for the months ahead.  

With careful, intentional planning you can scale those mountain heights reaching the pinnacle and feeling elated and what you have achieved. Without planning you may find yourself like those mountain goats clinging to the cliff face hoping you won't plument to the ground below.

Take advantage of the energies of this new moon by:

  • Making Plans:  Grab a journal and list all the achievements you wish to make during 2024. (hint: less is more; focus on 3 key achievements and direct your energy there). It does not matter how big or small these goals are.  What is important is that you identify them and list 3 actionable steps you can take this week so that you can achieve your goals. 

  • Being Ambitious:  The humble goat will climb to lofty heights to get what it wants.  Now is not the time to be filled with self doubt or limited thinking.  Aim high! You may find that you surprise yourself with what you can achieve.

  • Avoiding Control: Let the power of spirit move with you to help inspire and guide you onto the path that is for your highest good. Capricorn energies inspire us to change.  Be kind to yourself, if you already have lapsed with your new year's resolutions ask spirit, through the power of prayer, to help inspire you to make small incremental changes daily.  Just be consistent. 

Another way to really contemplate life is to journal daily.  To help kick off your journaling practice I am once again offering my "The 5 Journals of Life" workshop on the 4th February at the beautiful RAW gardens in Brighton East. 

In this workshop you will receive 5 guided meditations and activations by me to help your focus on the 5 key areas of life:

  • Release | Gratitude | Achievement | Manifesting | Soul 

I do hope you can   join me so that together we can set some new year intentions for the new lunar year.